Monday, June 30, 2008

Braden's 5th Birthday Party

Saturday we had Braden's 5th Birthday Party at our house. He had a pirate theme. I was hoping that it would be nice outside to dig for treasure, but it rained all day. The kids had a good time playing bowling, pin the tale on the donkey and a small treasure hunt in the in the house. Even Ava had fun with the big kids.
(Braden's 1st Soccer game is tomorrow night, I will post photos of his game that eveing.) Love-Gina

Monday, June 23, 2008

Busy Week!

Wow what another busy week at the Grinde house. Braden started soccer a week ago and we have been going twice a week. We went to Int'l Falls for our annual family rummage sale.This year we started something new. After the sale was over we played base ball. The River view Eagles won 7/4 over the Stinky Socks.


Winners River view Eagles

The good look losers! The Stinky Socks!

We also celebrated Ava's 2nd Birthday. Wow is she a cutie!

We even got Great Grandma and Grandpa to wear Dora hats for Ava's Birthday Party.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer Fun!

Here is a couple of photos that I took over the weekend.
Braden is now big enough to ride on Jason motorcycle. For now he just rides around our development.
The other photo is Ava and her baby doll going for a ride at Papa Jim's and Grandma Maureen's house on Sunday. Ava and I drove there to get ready for our family rummage sale on June 21st.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Grinde's are on the move!

We have been on the moving since last Friday night. Friday after work we drove to Papa Doug's cabin. Then on Saturday we drove to Trysten's 10th Birthday Party and went swimming. We had such a blast swimming!Sunday we fished some more at the cabin. Oh, by the way Ava loves the fish! Braden would catch the fish and Ava plays with them. Sunday afternoon we drove home and Lisa and Cory came to our house that evening. Lisa was induced today at 6am to have her fourth baby. IT'S A BOY! Colby Keith arrived at 3:23 this afternoon a healthy 8lbs ,9oz and 21 inches long. Cullen and Cory are staying with us untill Lisa and Colby goes home on Wednesday. Braden is so excited to have Cullen with us for a few days.

We hope that everyone is enjoying their summer.