What a busy couple of days we have had. Saturday and Sunday cooled down to 70 and 75 during the day. On Sunday we packed up the truck with our bikes and drove to Itasca State Park. We rode are bike about 5 miles that day and we able to see the museum, Indian burial grounds and we stopped at the Headwaters (the start of the Mississippi River). Anyways we had a blast! Even Ava had fun riding, you could tell by the way she fell asleep on the bike ride back to the truck.

Resting after a long day.

Braden crossing the Mississippi River.

Jason and Ava

Braden again crossing the MR.

This is a photo of Ava and I with some of the BSU Beaver Hockey players. They even had a net where you could hit some pucks into with some of the players. Coach Gillies was there and we met some of the new players. He even asked them to help Braden shoot some pucks. Braden was to shy to play with the BIG guys. Braden was still to shy to get his photo taken, but mom was very excited. We enjoy going to the games as much as we can. Thank you to the bank for the free tickets! They have great seat also. It is fun to even have a in with the coach, Bert Gillies. Bert's daughter goes to daycare with the kids so we usually know what is going on with the team. We cant wait for the 08-09 season to start!
Go Beavers!
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