Sunday, December 27, 2009

Chirstmas 09 Part 2/odds and ends

Here are some Odds and Ends photos I took over the past couple of days.

Jason plowing us out on Saturday afternoon.

Ava and Jason with her new Princess Piano.

Braden and his signed BSU hockey jersey!

Papa Jim w/Colton, Ava and Brianna and Braden on the couch Chirstmas morning.

Ava and Grandma on Chirstmas morning.

Braden, Trysten, Colton and Brianna in a fire truck.

All of us playing the dice game. The kids had a blast and so did the adults!

Grandma and Ava going down the hill at Grandma's house.

Griffin, Ava, Colton and Brianna in their snow fort!

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